I get it, it's not the most natural thing for most people to do, and I imagine the thought of me crawling through bushes with a camera screams "THIS IS NOT NORMAL!"
Honestly, don't sweat it! It's literally a walk in the park and my superpower is to make you guys feel comfortable and relaxed during your portrait session and have a good laugh doing it (often at my expense!)
What is super important to me is that I don't take you away for hours because let's face it, you are there to enjoy the day with family & friends and that is why I aim to take those beautiful images in 20 mins or so and get you guys back to the canapes and drinks!
There's no old fashioned stiff poses here, just time for a nice stroll, a few hugs & kisses and a bit of banter. Its also a perfect time for you to take a wee breather and spend some alone time together (+ 1 photographer hiding in the shrubbery).
If you are feeling up to it, we can create something a little bit special later on in the evening using a beautiful sunset or some creative flash photography!
Still feel you need some practice? Why not consider an engagement shoot before the big day which is a fantastic way to get comfortable and see how I work.